
Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, sustainable accommodation, eco tourism

Having conceived and running the B&B ourselves, we always have sustainability in mind.


Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, breakfast

using organic and mostly local high quality products.


Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden

respecting and working with people working locally.


Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden

being part of the local network, respecting the environment, promoting local partners and fossil free activities.

Here are a some actions we take to be more sustainable:


- we serve organic breakfast with locally sourced products (Brukets Godaste bakery, Hansen coffee roastery,  Evenstorp Gård jam producer, Fröbacken for the eggs...), bought in bulk to avoid packaging.


- we propose skincare products from L:a Bruket, organic and made in West Sweden.


- we use eco-friendly detergents only (Svanenmärket, the Nordic eco-label).


- the sheets and towels are made of organic cotton (GOTS certified) and the laundry service has a high commitment in sustainability (fossil free delivery, ecological detergent, multiple eco-label, Svanenmärken).


- 95% of the furnitures are second hands. The new furnitures (beds mostly) are made in Sweden.


- we are part of the local network to promote local and sustainable employment.


- we promote the local nature reserves.


- we promote low emission activities (cycling, hiking, canoeing).


- the garden is managed in such a way as to promote bio-diversity.


- the house is heated with locally sourced pellets (sawmill residue).


- during the renovation, materials have been reused when possible. New materials (like flooring) are mostly FSC certified and  made in Sweden.

We are part of Hållbarhetsklivet initiative for a more sustainable tourism in West Sweden

Travel Proud

All pictures: © Struzik François except those mentioned.