activities in Dalsland

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, cycling

back to Nature

In Dalsland we have everything you need for a real boost of revitalisation and wellbeing. Our nature is untouched and our experiences genuine.

We will be glad to show you the places you'll enjoy.

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Sörknatten


To hike in Dalsland is walking for hours on our mountains and enjoy expansive views, going deep into the forest and walk pass lakes and ruins from old crofts. There are lots of new hikes and trails to discover and we will be happy to show you the maps!

You can find here GPX of our selected walks.

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, canoeing


In Dalsland you as a canoeist have the opportunity to experience nature closeup, wild and genuine. Feel like an adventurer, find serenity and experience real nature.

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, cycling


If you like cycling in the nature, this is the place! Most of the winding roads have no traffic and it's very easy to plan day rides. Great variety of terrain, nice landscapes and views, fresh lakes to jump in... what else for a great cycling adventure?

You can find here GPX of our selected tours.

Find also 11 of the best gravel tours here!

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, horde riding

horse riding

From Steneby, you can ride through Dalsland's landscape on horseback. Deep forest, small streams and wildlife will be on your tour. (25 Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, nordic lagoon

wild swimming

With hundreds of lakes , some with access only by foot, there is no better place for wild swimming. The water is clean and fresh, sometimes chilly, and the experience of swimming with nature around is great. 
You just have to jump into the water!

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, berry picking

berry picking

We have gold in Dalsland. The blue one, the red one, the orange one. Be ready to take your time, go out in the forest and eat as much berries as you can. 

This is a real organic treasure.

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, cycling, The Dalsland Experience
© Farawayistan / VästSverige

Dalsland, a gravel destination

Dalsland is probably one of the top destination if you're into gravel cycling. Visit the page dedicated to gravel cycling in Dalsland, with tours, tips and GPX files!

You can rent high quality gravel bikes and ask Erik ( The Dalsland Experience) to take you on a guided tour on the gravel roads of Dalsland: best spots, best roads, best tours you could imagine.


Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Not Quite Fengersfors
© Kax / VästSverige

Not Quite

Not Quite is a parrot in the spruce forest.

Not Quite is a silver thread in kraft paper.

Not Quite is a little bit of New York in the middle of nowhere. (2 Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Unionsleden, cycling


The Union Trail is a 350 km long cycling route from Moss in Norway to Karlstad (Sweden). It passes right at our doorstep! You're most welcome to stop by and stay with us as we are really bike friendly!

© Farawayistan / VästSverige
© Farawayistan / VästSverige


The Vänerleden cycle route is about 640 km long and takes you round Sweden’s largest lake. It passes also right at our doorstep! You're most welcome to stop!

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, hiking, Vandra i Ronjaland

Vandra i Ronjaland

Hiking in Ronjaland is a network of walks and hikes on the terrain where several scenes of the classic Swedish film "Ronja, the robber's daughter" were shot. You'll discover wonderful and magic landscapes like from another universe. (Starting at the B&B)

The film is based on Astrid Lindgren's book. 

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Pilgrimsleden
© Trygg / VästSverige


The Pilgrim Path in north Dalsland is a scenic long distance walking trail for the true nature lover. At times you’ll be treated to incredible views of the wilderness.

The path is just over the hill, so welcome to our place for a restful night.

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Söknatten, hiking

natural reserves

The nature in Dalsland is mostly untouched and the area is covered with great value nature reserves. Most of them are really worth a hike! You can find yours here and we will be happy to give you maps and information.

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Dalsland canal
© Roger / VästSverige

Dalsland canal

The Dalsland canal is considered to be one of Europe's most beautiful waterways since it largely consists of natural lakes are linked by locks and small waterways. The Dalsland canal is rather like a string of pearls - small and large lakes, coves and fjords joined together by 12 kilometers of man-made canal. (20 Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, West Coast
© VästSverige

the West Coast

The West Coast is Sweden's wild coast with its archipelagos, islands, cliffs and bays. Barely 100 km from the B&B, it's a typical Swedish summer experience. (100 Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, West Coast

islands hopping

The West Coast has hundreds of islands, most of them inhabited. A system of public ferries can bring you from one island to another at a very fair price and with a high dose of fun.  Visit Åstol, Vrangö or Käringö for a great West Coast experience.

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, West Coast
© Ingman / VästSverige

rock carvings

At the Bronze age, the sea level was slightly higher and people of the time used to carve the rocks by the shores with very specific drawings. This is now a UNESCO World Heritage site with its center in Tanum: the Vitlycke Museum. (90 Km from the B&B)

Nordic Refuge, accommodation, hotel in Dalsland Sweden, Baldersnäs
© Hodenhag / VästSverige

historical mansions

There are many "Herrgård" (mansions) in the countryside of Dalsland but Baldersnäs is probably the most romantic of all. Ideally situated on a peninsula on Laxsjön, the manor is a great place for a romantic walk in the parc before a dinner (or just a fika!). (15 Km from the B&B)

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All pictures: © Struzik François except those mentioned.